After a nearly disastrous house party and deciding who to support in the war in the last session, the crew runs through their first set of vignettes and comes up with code names for their new allies. Choices lead to callbacks, stress checks, and war crimes.
Nick – The Market
Adam – Shake – A soon to be family man, fringer, unemployed weed dealer, current grow op operator, living outside of the enclave society.
Brownie – Road Salt – Crash Hero, Mining Engineer, Not Funny.
Crazon/Review Cultist/Chris – Balto – Pre-crash medic with a latent brother and an ambulance as a dependent. Playing the Driver Tough Spot.
Ethan - St. Bernard - A deeply flawed man, cracked in detachment, definitely not Benny. He's our face, but can handle himself in a fight. Playing the Fenceman tough spot.