The Adventurers have their land deed officiated but also have some interns to accompany them on their trip to the jungle island of Bannan. But there are strange machinations ahead of them and other interested parties in the secrets of the island. What might they find on this seeming island paradise?
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
The Interns
Marc - Kabal Token (Black Dragonborn Barbarian)
Josh - Bella Twilo (Human Warlock)
Seb - Crim A’gnoll (City Goblin Rogue)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License