With only hours left to spare, our adventures must gain access to a sold-out performance at the opera house to save the leading lady from a slow death and thwart an assassination attempt. Adam – Game MasterDavid – Koban the Wound Binder – Barbarian HealerChris – Brand of Vitriol – ThiefJoe – Ildefon...
As dawn breaks across the city of Eversink, a group of adventurers sit gathered in their favorite tavern. The calm is soon interrupted when the proprietor approaches them carrying a sheet-wrapped figure. As he lifts the sheet up, the adventurers are struck silent, where a face should be is only a bl...
Welcome to this episode of RPX Rollup! Today, we're delving into the world of Swords of the Serpentine, a thrilling swords and sandals role-playing game published by Pelgrane Press and written by Kevin Kulp and Emily Dresner. Set in a mysterious and ancient city called Eversink, players will explore...